E - Scooter by e-tropolis - About us

Mission Ecology
Bel Air Teaser

etropolis — the future of e-​mobility

etropolis is one of Europe’s lead­ing spe­cial­ists in two wheeled elec­tric vehi­cles and is based in Stuhr/​Bremen, Ger­many. etropolis offers a broad port­fo­lio with a high degree of qual­ity and per­for­mance rang­ing from ped­elecs and clas­sic e-​scooters to high-​performance elec­tric motor­bikes. Being part of SiG Solar Group, etropolis prof­its from many years of expe­ri­ence in inter­na­tional trad­ing. The com­pany is built on Hanseatic foun­da­tions: com­mer­cial depend­abil­ity, qual­ity and the quest for innovation.

Ita teaser Philosophie

Our Vision — ZERO Emission

We have a clear vision of a future with the goal of “Zero Emis­sion”: Solar con­nected charg­ing sta­tions at all garages, solar charg­ers on the car parks of large com­pa­nies, in park­ing blocks and at park-​and-​ride sta­tions or in pub­lic places. trop­o­lis wants to con­tribute to stop­ping cli­mate change. We are not dream­ing of utopia. We know that our vision may become real­ity before long. To this end, etropolis closely col­lab­o­rates with part­ner com­pa­nies in the field to make the “Zero Emis­sion” vision a real­ity for the whole of Europe.

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