E - Scooter by e-tropolis - Imprint



SiG Solar GmbH

Ernst-​Abbe-​Str. 6

28816 Stuhr


Man­ag­ing Directors:

Anja Christina Schröder

Jan-​Christian Schröder

Phone: +49 (0)421/278 37 77

Fax: +49 (0)421/278 37 79

Mail: info@e-​tropolis.com

Reg­is­tered in:

Local court Walsrode

HRB 202762

Tax ID number:

DE 277372244


1. Content of the online service

The author accepts no lia­bil­ity that the infor­ma­tion pro­vided is up-​to-​date, accu­rate, com­plete or for its qual­ity. Any claims to lia­bil­ity against the author that refer to mate­r­ial or non-​material dam­age that are caused by the use or non-​use of the infor­ma­tion pro­vided or by the use of erro­neous or incom­plete infor­ma­tion are gen­er­ally excluded inso­far there is no demon­stra­ble inten­tional or delib­er­ate neg­li­gence by the author. All offers are sub­ject to con­fir­ma­tion and are non-​binding. The author reserves the right to amend, sup­ple­ment, delete or to cease pub­li­ca­tion tem­porar­ily or per­ma­nently of parts of the site or the whole ser­vice with­out prior notice.

2. References and links

in the case of direct or indi­rect ref­er­ences to exter­nal web­sites (“hyper­links”) that are out­side the scope of the author’s respon­si­bil­ity lia­bil­ity is solely restricted to cases in which the author was aware of the con­tents and it would have been tech­ni­cally pos­si­ble and rea­son­able for the author to pre­vent use in the event of ille­gal con­tents. The author expressly declares that at the point in time the links were estab­lished no ille­gal con­tents were rec­og­niz­able in the linked sites. The author has no influ­ence what­ever on the cur­rent and future orga­ni­za­tion, con­tents or author­ship of the linked/​connected sites. There­fore the author expressly dis­tances him­self from all con­tents of all linked/​connected sites that have been changed after estab­lish­ing the links. This dec­la­ra­tion applies to all links and ref­er­ences estab­lished within our Inter­net ser­vice as well as to exter­nal entries made in guest books, dis­cus­sion forums, direc­to­ries of links, mail­ing lists and in all other forms of data­bases set up by the author to which writ­ten access to the con­tent is pos­si­ble. The provider of the site to which ref­er­ence is made is solely liable for ille­gal, erro­neous or incom­plete con­tents and in par­tic­u­lar for any dam­age incurred by the use or non-​use of such infor­ma­tion offered and not the per­son who merely refers to the respec­tive pub­li­ca­tion via links.

3. Copyright and trade­mark rights

The author endeav­ours to observe the copy­rights of the pic­tures, graph­ics, audio and video sequences and texts used, to use his own pic­tures, graph­ics, audio and video sequences and texts or to make use of graph­ics, audio and video sequences and texts that require no licence. All spec­i­fied brand marks and trade­marks within the Inter­net ser­vice that may be pro­tected by third par­ties are fully sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions of the applic­a­ble trade­mark law and the prop­erty rights of the respec­tive reg­is­tered owner. The fact that a brand mark is merely named shall not imply that the brand marks are not pro­tected by the rights of third par­ties. The copy­right for items pub­lished and pre­pared by the owner him­self remains the sole prop­erty of the owner of the sites. Any dupli­ca­tion or use of such graph­ics, audio and video sequences and texts on other elec­tronic or printed pub­li­ca­tions is not per­mit­ted with­out the express agree­ment of the author.

4. Data pro­tec­tion

Inso­far as there is the pos­si­bil­ity within the Inter­net ser­vice to enter per­sonal or busi­ness data (email addresses, names, addresses), the dis­clo­sure of this data by the user shall be done on an expressly vol­un­tary basis. The uti­liza­tion and pay­ment of all ser­vices offered is — as far as is tech­ni­cally pos­si­ble and rea­son­able — also per­mit­ted with­out giv­ing such data or by giv­ing anony­mous data or a pseu­do­nym. The use of con­tact data pub­lished within the imprint or com­pa­ra­ble infor­ma­tion, such as postal addresses, tele­phone and fax num­bers and email addresses, by third par­ties to send infor­ma­tion that has not been expressly requested is not per­mit­ted. We expressly reserve the right to take legal steps against senders of so-​called spam mails in the event of any breach of this prohibition.

5. Legal valid­ity of this disclaimer

This dis­claimer shall be con­sid­ered to be part of the Inter­net ser­vice from which this site has been referred. Should parts or indi­vid­ual for­mu­la­tions of this text not, cease to or not fully com­ply with the valid legal sit­u­a­tion, the valid­ity of the remain­der of the doc­u­ment shall not be affected in its con­tent and validity.

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