E - Scooter by e-tropolis - The Group

Mission Ecology

shanghai nights



In times of cli­mate change it becomes more and more impor­tant to con­sider the future. etropolis has a clear vision of the future: “Zero Emis­sion”. To reach this goal, we at etropolis not only use the inter­nal net­work of the SiG Solar con­sor­tium. We also rely on our performance–

ori­ented and inno­v­a­tive part­ners all over Europe. We aim to build a zero emis­sion net­work with solar pow­ered charg­ing sta­tions, for exam­ple on top of garage roofs at large com­pany park­ing spaces. We aim to install charg­ing sta­tions in pub­lic spaces and in all park­ing garages.

We are prepared.

etropolis is part of the SiG Solar Busi­ness Group. Long term expe­ri­ence in trad­ing with China and inter­na­tional projects in the field of pho­to­voltaic sys­tems make SiG Solar an impor­tant part­ner on the way to a clean future with­out car­bon diox­ide emis­sion. The com­mon strive to progress and sus­tain­abil­ity by com­bin­ing solar energy with elec­tric mobil­ity is a deci­sive step towards real­iz­ing our mis­sion “Zero Emis­sion” all over Europe.

Built on hanseatic foundations

SiG Solar Group is built on Hanseatic foun­da­tions: com­mer­cial depend­abil­ity, qual­ity and the quest for inno­va­tion. These busi­ness val­ues are based on tra­di­tion and they have been and will always be a recipe for sat­is­fied cus­tomers. etropolis by SiG Solar war­rants a con­sis­tent level of high qual­ity in all prod­ucts and inno­va­tions. Our team of engi­neers, tech­ni­cians and project man­agers super­vise pro­duc­tion on loca­tion in China. Inter­na­tional stan­dards are con­sis­tently checked and main­tained. Inno­v­a­tive ideas as well as the demands of our Euro­pean dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ners are there­fore imme­di­ately enforced. Your advan­tage: Hanseatic trade skills work for you to keep the costs low with­out hav­ing to forego the high­est stan­dards of qual­ity and safety. And because etropolis is a part of a Ger­man com­pany based in Bre­men, you have your busi­ness part­ner and your per­sonal point of con­tact for war­ranty issues in the imme­di­ate vicin­ity. Rely on tra­di­tion – we do too.

SiG Solar

SiG Solar Group Logo einzeilig

com­pany of the future

Pow­er­ful, inex­haustible and clean: Solar energy is tomorrow’s power source. While the global reserves of fos­sil fuels grad­u­ally become scarce, the sun is reli­able and will con­tinue to be so in a hun­dred years.

The SiG Solar Group ranks among Germany’s lead­ing pho­to­voltaic spe­cial­ists. As a group of com­pa­nies, SiG Solar com­bines a num­ber of prod­ucts and sys­tem solu­tions for the effi­cient use of renew­ables under one roof. In addi­tion to sell­ing pho­to­voltaic prod­ucts and all rel­e­vant solar ser­vices – from build­ing power plants to oper­at­ing and main­tain­ing PV sys­tems – SiG Solar also offers ser­vices and prod­ucts cov­er­ing the whole range of effi­cient energy usage, such as elec­tric mobil­ity, LED tech­nol­ogy, energy stor­age, charg­ing sta­tions or solar car­port systems.

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